As of 2020, the world’s population was estimated at about 7.753 billion. Have you ever wondered why a deliberate creator, who does not waste resources, would keep adding human beings into this already seemingly overcrowded space. Is it just to live for a couple of years and then exit this world, most of the times unceremoniously?

From what I know about the creator, there is an intention behind everything He does, and Him handcrafting about 7.8 billion unique human beings and placing them very carefully on earth is no mistake. He is intentional.
When I took a closer look at nature, the systems and the infinite power that sustains the world through his word, I gained insight into the deliberateness of God and perhaps one of the reasons we are still here.
Someone once said, “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature…”
You are where you are currently for a purpose and that purpose is beyond you. If only you could take the focus off your need for once and meet someone’s need, you would experience an unimaginable sense of fulfilment that you probably have been yearning for.
Also, remember that whether we impact lives or not, when our time is up, we will surely depart. The choice is ours.
Written by:
© Bisola Mogaji