There are two major boxes you will need as you journey through the next twelve months and through life. One is a treasure box and the other, a trash box.

Life and people will throw many things at you as you journey. Many of those things will be great treasures that you will need to guard jealously. Be sure to put them in your treasures box. They beautify your life and journey. As the treasures are coming, the trash will also be thrown at you, ranging from few to many depending on how high your travel. Most times, you can easily identify the trash, other times you need discernment to identify treasures that are covered in trash. Learn to identify each one and store them in appropriate boxes.
Do not get immersed in the trash thrown at you, for those who get themselves immersed in trash run the risk of being mistaken for trash themselves. Learn to handle the trash thrown at you without losing focus on your journey. The negative words, negative energy, toxicity, anger, hatred, condemnation, cutting remarks, disappointment, sinful desires are few examples of trash that must not take root in your heart.
Pay particular attention to those treasures that God will be sending your way and into your life this year. Those beautiful relationships, connections, opportunities, godly counsels, love, affection, sweet memories, financial blessing and capacity building systems, to name a few. Don't joke with them. Treasure them. They add colour to your life and make you a treasure to your world.
Above all, this year, don't trash what you should treasure and don't treasure what you should trash!
© Written by:
Bisola Mogaji.
Facts. Identify “Trash vs Treasure“ ☺️