It is not uncommon for ladies to 'go commando' these days that is, without wearing any underwear. Yes, you read that right. How ladies can move freely in short flared dresses with nothing underneath still beats my imagination. Well, I guess that's a matter of choice.
Underwear protects our private areas, they make us feel comfortable, good underwear gives shape and fitting to our outer clothes thereby improving our self-confidence.
In the same way there are things that serve as 'undies’ as you dress up to step into your assignment in life.

They might not be seen just as your undies are not expected to be seen, but just as you feel good, knowing that you have your undies on and just as it gives you a sense of confidence, so also, when you wear these "under wears of life' they boost your confidence in life. They protect you from 'germs' and 'infections' just as your under wears protect your private parts.
The following things are some of the "Underwear of Life"
1. Good self-esteem: No matter how expensive your physical dresses are, if you are not 'wearing' good self-esteem, you’ll feel naked and exposed at the slightest wind gust.
2. Knowledge: Another 'underwear' you must wear is Knowledge. Ignorance is nakedness! Knowledge covers your 'nakedness'. Seek to improve your knowledge. “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge” –Daniel J. Boorstin.
3. Power: This world is not for the weakling! If you don't carry power, you will be blown away like powder. You cannot afford to be on the ‘fence of life’. Carry the power of God inside you. No matter how expensive your dresses are, if you don't have power inside of you, you are exposed and life situations can mess you up.
4. Character: Good character gives you confidence. It draws favor in your direction. You exude high level of confidence when you 'wear ' good character. It completes your 'dressing'.
No matter how beautiful you look on the outside or facially, without good character, you are not attractive.
See why you can’t afford to step out without your ‘undies’?
Written by:
Bisola Mogaji.