What do you drive? A Mercedes Benz? Ferrari? Dodge? Lamborghini? Bugatti?
There are several drivers, but what we drive differs. What we drive also reflect where we are in life.

1. Some drive cars alone: Yes, many ladies drive powerful cars. There’s something about being a lady behind the wheel of a powerful car, cruising with confidence. But if the only thing you drive is a car, then you still have a long way to go.
2. Some drive men (crazy): Yes, some take pride in the ability to sit behind the wheels of their relationships, especially with the men in their lives. To them, life is about driving men to do their biddings. They have financial muscle, and they call the shots and anyone can be ‘driven’ in their desired direction. If this describes you, you need to address a deep-seated issue.
Here are a few things you can’t go wrong driving:
1. DRIVE TOWARDS YOUR GOAL: What are you driving towards? How far have you driven it this year? Are you on the move or have you given up? Remember nothing works until you work it.
2. DRIVE OUT FEAR: Don’t let fear paralyze you. Everything you desire is on the other side of fear. It’s nothing but F-E-A-R (False Evidence Appearing Real). Don’t throw in the towel. Put your leg on the accelerator despite your fear and watch things move!
3. DRIVE HOME YOUR MESSAGE: What is that message you have for your world? How are you driving home this message? Don’t be discouraged. Keep singing, keep writing, keep speaking, keep building yourself. Stay faithful. Don't stop. Consistency compounds. In the fulness of time it will pay off.
4. DRIVE ON: It’s not over until it’s over. No matter your level of expertise, there is always the next level. As long as you are alive, there’s no end to learning. The mastery you have over your skills, career, niche should not be static. We are in a fast-changing world. Don’t rest on your oars and don’t settle for less.
Beyond all these, it’s really about who is driving you. Can you move over to the passenger’s seat and let God take the steering wheel?
Written by:
© Bisola Mogaji.